The CCA, has ISO 9001:2015 certification. Why is this so important for the Group?
Having received ISO 22716:2008 Good Manufacturing Practices for Cosmetics certification (the prime objective of which was to bring us closer to the preoccupations of our clients as regards European regulation compliance); as a service provider it is important for us to continue with our commitments to a global quality control approach as well as improved performance and customer satisfaction.
So what does a quality control approach actually involve on a day-to-day basis?
The quality control approach concerns all of the staff; it is a state of mind, a set of actions that are undertaken to improve our performance and transform any problems we face into positive actions that ensure we will not have to face them again. Evidently this involves a lot of effort on the part of everyone at each stage of the implementation of these new actions. However, once the processes are in place and “go live”, we often wonder how we actually managed without them beforehand.
What commitments has CCA made to maintain this quality control approach?
For us, respecting the ISO 22716:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 standards, is about meeting one of our fundamental objectives: customer satisfaction. The reactivity, exchange and advice that we provide, and which have built the reputation of our group over the years, are the result of the effectiveness of our quality control management system.
So what are the next steps?
Having the certification is a good thing but keeping it is even better! So now, with each annual audit, we have to concentrate on keeping these certifications. The last one of these showed us the extent to which we have progressed… It is highly motivating and leads to productive exchanges with our clients. And then there is international ISO 17025 standard accreditation. We have started an approach for this with the Cosmebac laboratory; it is awarded by the COFRAC (French accreditation commission), it recognises the organisational and technical capacities of the laboratory and its staff.
The scope of this accreditation, applied for as a standard flexible approach, concerns the following analyses for cosmetic products:
- The scope of this accreditation, applied for as a standard flexible approach, concerns the following analyses for cosmetic products:
- The scope of this accreditation, applied for as a standard flexible approach, concerns the following analyses for cosmetic products:
This involves a consolidation approach that will be a new challenge for the staff!
And you, what is your role within the CCA?
My position involves implementing the quality control policy that has been laid out by the board and acting as guarantor for the whole of the company’s quality control approach. The team is very committed, our work is in fact very interlinked.
I have to manage a number of different domains: the documentation system, procedures, complaints, non-compliances and corrective actions, training, etc.
I’ll have to stop there; I have a lot still to do!
As I was saying, it is a state of mind. We make every effort to ensure that quality control serves the interests of both our company and its clients.